It is tough to put into words the richness of a life, one marked by deep love, abundant humility, and unwavering kindness—one full of sacrificial friendship, enduring compassion, and faithful dedication. Such was the life of Ndhaye Ahmed. Ahmed worked for BOH for 9 years as our Beads Project Advisor. He joined our team at a time when we desperately needed someone experienced to coordinate the program and support the women’s business of jewelry making. And he was the perfect fit!

He soon became trusted by the women and a valued member of our team. Ahmed was dedicated, not just to his job, but to the people he served. He selflessly gave of his time and resources to help our women address challenges they faced. He worked tirelessly to make sure jewelry orders were completed so the women had every opportunity to earn income for their families. In the face of crisis, he was often the first person our women called. He was also one of the first people we consulted for advice when difficult situations arose. Ahmed’s dedication to his work overflowed from his deep love for the families we work with.
And working alongside him was a gift. He often spoke of how he treasured the good rapport our staff team had for one another. And he was right. To everyone on our staff team, Ahmed was more than a reliable coworker. He was a trusted friend, a brother, a father figure, and a member of our families. He spent holidays checking on families who were struggling, and enjoyed spending time with fellow staff members on his days off. He faithfully served the people around him with humility and kindness. Simply put, the tone of his life was love.

Ahmed with his sister Mariam, who is one of the talented women in the Beads Project.
Ahmed is deeply missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. Our organization will never be the same in his absence. And while the void on our team weighs heavily on everyone at BOH, we know that our lives have been so greatly enriched by all the years we got to share with him. Words fail to express the blessing Ahmed has been to all of us, but may his example lead us to be more humble, loving, and kind.
It is with gratitude that we cherish our memories with Ahmed, and by his example, may we continue to faithfully press on with dedication and compassion in the work we get to be a part of. Every day is a gift, and every moment is an opportunity to show love. May we be faithful to love lavishly and live humbly, that we may be a blessing to others, that God may get the glory forever. It is with deep love, that we remember Ahmed and the incredible example he was to all of us!
With Love,
The BOH Team
Ahmed was amazing! Such a privilege and a blessing to have him in my life! He will forever be loved and missed!
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